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Parameter Type Description
notionalUsdForBorrow String Notional value for Borrow in USD
Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
notionalUsdForSwap String Notional value of positions for Perpetual Futures in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
notionalUsdForFutures String Notional value of positions for Expiry Futures in USD
Applicable to Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin
notionalUsdForOption String Notional value of positions for Option in USD
Applicable to Spot mode/Multi-currency margin/Portfolio margin


Withdrawal API adjustment for EEA entity users

Due to compliance requirements, EEA entity users need to pass in the field rcvrInfo when making on-chain/lightning withdrawal.

Parameters Type Required Description
rcvrInfo Object Conditional Recipient information
For the specific entity users to do on-chain withdrawal/lightning withdrawal, this information is required.
> walletType String Yes Wallet Type
exchange: Withdraw to exchange wallet
If withdrawal to the exchange wallet, relevant information about the recipient must be provided.
For the exchange wallet belongs to business recipient, rcvrFirstName may input the company name, rcvrLastName may input "N/A"
> exchId String Conditional Exchange ID
You can query supported exchanges through the endpoint of Get exchange list (public)
If the exchange is not in the exchange list, fill in '0' in this field.
> rcvrFirstName String Conditional Receiver's first name, e.g. Bruce
> rcvrLastName String Conditional Receiver's last name, e.g. Wayne

Withdraw assets to the exchange wallet

If users withdraw assets to the exchange wallet, they need to provide recipient information.

Withdraw assets to the private wallet

You can't withdraw to a private wallet via API. Please withdraw via our app or website instead.

Other API adjustment

Parameter Type Description
note String Withdrawal note
Parameter Type Description
state String 17: Pending response from Travel Rule vendor

Newly added error code

Error code Error Message
58239 You can't withdraw to a private wallet via API. Please withdraw via our app or website instead.



Parameter Type Description
enableSpotBorrow Boolean Whether borrow is allowed or not in Spot mode
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
spotBorrowAutoRepay Boolean Whether auto-repay is allowed or not in Spot mode
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Parameter Type Description
ccy String Currency
Parameter Type Description
isTradeBorrowMode String Whether borrowing currency automatically
Only applicable to trigger order, trailing order and twap order